

I would love to know how dogs think I often think with my human mind but I am sure they have a simpler way of processing information than humans.  I know they are trainable but I truly  believe that at some point in the life the training takes on a whole new form. Such as they train themselves and we have no effect on them.  The senility sets in and they only want what they want, when they want it. Unlike humans we just forget everything.  Over the past few years my two seniors have taught me a lot even my sweet Idgy all she wanted was comfy place to suck up the heat. She could not be deter from her goal. Now my Archie only wants what ever is in the cupboards, garbage, Tupperware canisters can be great fun with a prize inside.  Rice,pasta noodles and can we say mister potato head all have great interest to him. If it can be eaten then Bon Appétit if not well its fun to play with. Heaven for bid if the others get involve then some one has to pee or poo in the middle of said mess, and it grows and moves to all corners of the house.  After Halloween my bed was remade with candy wrappers and sticky crumbs, but that's another story.  We harnessed Archie when we would leave the house, and this seem to do the trick.  As of late he has lost total control all we need to do is leave the room or get involved with a TV program and the familiar sound of cupboard doors snapping shut ring out from the kitchen. So this morning I am up early getting my coffee and bagel and then I went to my room to enjoy a peaceful breakfast before the rest of the house wakes up.  When that familiar  sound rang out from upstairs I grab my camera this time.  He is now busted on video The Damn Dog.

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